From Competitor to Judge

Chef Matthew Sullivan takes a new seat on the Pizza Stage at RC Show 2025

matthew sullivan headshot

RC Show: What interested you in participating as a judge at the RC Pizza Competition?

Matthew Sullivan: The quick answer? Anything to do with pizza, you can count me in! But to break it down – I’ve been to a lot of competitions, and I found RC Show’s enjoyable from start to finish. One of my favourite parts of competing was getting feedback from the judges. So, the idea of being on the other side of it really enticed me. But to overall, I’m really looking forward to trying the new and inventive slices that this year’s competitors will bring forward. There’s nothing cooler than seeing what up-and-coming pizza makers are whipping up.

RCS: If you could compete in one of the two pizza competitions, would it be the creative or traditional?

MS: No doubt about it: creative! There’s something about combining pizza ingredients that excites me! I describe myself as a creative person and so have many of my mentors along the way, so I think that competing in that category would always make the most sense.

RCS: What are you most excited to see/taste at the competition?

MS: So, as I’m sure you’ve surmised—I eat a lot of pizza. But I’d say that 95% of the slices I consume are my own work, so I don’t often get to taste the work of others—see the different styles, toppings and combinations. So, I’m really excited to see what my fellow chefs are dishing out.

RCS: As a past competitor, what advice can you give our upcoming pizza competition competitors?

MS: Three words: don’t overthink it. Have fun with it and don’t overcomplicate it. Sometimes it’s the simplest ingredients and combos that make the best pie—less really is more in most cases. Pick a couple of flavours, focus on that, and go with your initial choice.

RCS: Can you speak to the importance of applying and participating in these kinds of competitions?

MS: You’re entering a floor that’s full of opportunity. It doesn’t really get better than that. RC Show is just such a great place for networking, seeing what’s new and, in many ways, cool. Really, you’re there to show your appreciation and dedication to the industry we all love. For me, the competitions have always been at the centre of the show. And, you have all eyes on you while you’re competing. Afterwards, people will come up to you and it’s the perfect time to make connections and potential partnerships. You’re a walking brand, and the show affords you the chance to display your talents in front of a lot of important people.

RCS: Over the years, how has your career evolved? And, what’s next for Chef Matthew Sullivan?

MS: I mean, I started in fine dining. And, although I loved it, as your life progresses and you find your partner and bring kids into the world, your needs change. And that’s what brought me to where I am today. Did I feel weird leaving the kitchen and entering the corporate world? 100%. But looking back, the corporate move made the most sense for me and I love it. I get to oversee so much and still bring my creativity to life. And it gives me the flexibility to do things that I enjoy, like judging the RC Show Pizza Competition and even being one of Drake’s personal chefs.

Life has a funny way of giving you opportunities you never imagined, until you’re in them. What’s next for me? There are so many ways I could answer that – and ideally, the dream one day is to open my own pizza spot. But we’ll see. I’m happy with where I’m at right now and with what I’m doing. Balance in life is really important and right now I have that.

RCS: What, in your opinion, makes or breaks a pizza?

MS: Consistency above all else. It’s so important and it’s what your customers are looking for. There’s a reason why so much of the pizza in the world is sold through the same big-name brands. Because, although it may not always be the best pizza you’ve ever had, you know that every time it will taste the exact same. And, while consistency is so important, it’s also I think one of the hardest things to do when it comes to making pizza every day.

RCS: Favourite slice?

MS: So, I get this question quite a lot. And, every time, I stop and struggle with it. But, for me—and there’s something nostalgic about it—I always go back to Pizzeria Libretto. Not to toot Rocco’s horn, but when they first opened, I lived in the area, and I remember first trying it and being wowed. I was shocked because no one in Toronto was doing anything remotely close to it. I still to this day enjoy going for a slice by myself—a beer and margherita—doesn’t really get better than that.

RCS: What does showing up and giving back mean to you? Has it changed for you over the years?

MS: So, mentoring has always been very important to me. It’s something that I think you should continuously practise. I find that it’s really helped me with expressing myself and I find that I actually need it in a workplace. When someone asks me to give references, I actually prefer to give them those contacts of individuals who worked for me, because what your team has to say about you means a lot more, in my opinion. I actually won the Leader of the Year award, and I take great pride in having that skill. I love going back to the Stratford Chef School where I first trained and donating my time there and going to my kids’ school and teaching the basics of cooking. All in all, it’s always been important to me, and I don’t see that ever changing.

RCS: Can you speak to some of your past mentors who had a profound impact on your growth and career?

MS: I’ve been lucky to have so many. Chef Neil Baxter, of Rundles Restaurant in Stratford was a huge part of why I cook the way I do now. I remember him showing me his techniques. “This is how I work, and this is how you need to work.” And, although this was 20+ years ago now, it played a huge role in the kind of chef I became. When I go back to Stratford from time-to-time, I still see him, and we will catch up and reminisce. When I entered the corporate world, I had one specific mentor, Dan Morrow, SVP of F&B at MLSE. Although we’re in such different fields, he gave me cooking advice I’ll never forget. He spoke a lot about the importance of consistency, and consistency even within the meals that seem ‘below you’. A quesadilla seems simple, but making it the best that no one’s ever had, and doing that each time, is no easy feat. It involves creativity and real talent. And that’s still the approach I use after all these years. Some tricks work across all trades.

RCS: You are a prolific and highly successful content creator on TT and IG. Do you have any tips for chefs who are contemplating entering the world of content creation?

MS: Find a pattern that works for you. I’m not going to pretend to be a social media expert, but I found something that worked for me, and that happened to work with the algorithm. So, mess around with different templates and videos and if something works, really lean into it.

RCS: You’ve taken some huge leaps that resulted in great successes. What would you describe as your most rewarding career risk?

MS: Going from dining to MLSE. I remember when I made the switch, I was hesitant to tell people. That ‘sell-out’ feeling of going into the corporate realm really hit me, but eventually, I realized how cool my job was and all the opportunities it was providing me. And I’ve not regretted it once.


Register here and don’t forget to cheer on our pizza competitors at the RC Pizza Competition taking place on the Pizza Stage on April 7th and 8th.

Follow @matthewsullychef to share in his love for pizza!


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